Representing the Metalcore scene in Romania since 2014 and self-marketing their style as “Romanian Metalcore,” W3 4R3 NUM83R5 from Brașov has gained a loyal audience through a tenacious and organic approach, combining powerful yet melodic music. Their energetic performances, rhythmic compositions, brutal breakdowns, and subtle electronic elements offer the audience a truly memorable experience.
Some local sources place the band among the top-rated “core” projects in the country, with no hiatus since their formation and numerous appearances at the most well-known open-air festivals (Rockstadt Extreme Fest, ARTmania, Posada Rock, Rock La Mureș, Open Camp, WTF Rock Festival, Măgura Wave Fest, Rock The Camp, Gugulan Rock, The Rock Fortress of Suceava, and more), as well as dozens of club shows (in Romania and Bulgaria), including opening for international bands such as At The Gates, Carnifex, Comeback Kid, and Dropout Kings.
The year 2024 marked 10 years of activity, celebrated with the release of their second album, “Death Finds A Way”, during a sold-out show at the spacious Rockstadt club in Brașov. In 2019, the band won the “Best Local Concert of 2018” award, granted by the Corona Cultural Consortium Brașov, and in 2025 they are nominated once again for Concert of the Year 2024.
“People can move however they feel, the mosh pits are chaotic, the breakdowns get increasingly brutal, and by the time the song ends, you feel good, relieved, and happy. From the intense and precise instrumentals and vocal performances to the humorous and spontaneous moments, I couldn’t find a single moment to catch my breath. There was always something happening on stage that grabbed your attention, and they didn’t seem to overthink it — they just did what they felt. In my opinion, it’s one of the most eye-catching metal bands in our scene.”
Irina Marinescu for RockFM.
“Undoubtedly one of the most anticipated albums on the local scene—and one that doesn’t disappoint fans in the slightest—W3 4R3 NUM83R5’s album delivers both professionalism and impressive clarity and precision in detail. It raises the bar to an international level, carefully laying out a brilliantly executed series of breakdowns, heavy riffs, and textbook metalcore. Energetic, gripping, and technically driven, the release instantly and irreversibly captures the listener’s attention.”
Geanina Chiricuță for Interwission.
Alin Ștefănescu
Teodor Ardeleanu
Horia Buzuleciu
Andrei Dușcă
Radu Constantinescu
Road Patrol Open Air este un eveniment pentru Timișoara, un oraș cunoscut pentru bogata sa istorie și semnificație culturală.
Ne place să credem că festivalul, ajuns la cea de-a 21-a ediție, servește ca o continuare a evenimentului Tim-Rock, care
a fost un element de bază al scenei rock românești înainte de 1989.
Desfășurat pe o perioadă de trei zile la poligonul AJVPS, festivalul oferă un amestec unic de muzică de calitate, cultură moto și interacțiune între oameni. Evenimentul include o paradă moto care prezintă frumusețea orașului, și o componentă caritabilă.
De asemenea, festivalul își propune să contribuie la patrimoniul cultural al orașului
prin promovarea muzicii rock, un aspect important al istoriei și diversității culturale a Timișoarei.
Muzica live
Festivalul oferă o experiență muzicală de excepție, reunind artiști autohtoni apreciați și artiști de renume internațional.
Parada Moto
Evenimentul include o paradă moto ce pune în valoare frumusețea orașului.
Festivalul găzduiește concursuri cu premii, oferind participanților ocazia să-și testeze abilitățile.
Festivalul oferă workshop-uri interactive, unde participanții pot învăța, explora și descoperi noi pasiuni.